What’s the Most Effective Way to Attract Clients to Your Local Business?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Every day, potential clients are looking for a service just like yours. Yet they often end up at a competitor. 

Here’s how it usually happens . . .

When potential clients need a local service, they make initial choices within minutes, based on search results and online reviews.

Both consumer and business buyers overwhelmingly use Google, Yelp, and increasingly, Facebook to find a service that meet their needs.

They are looking for a service that’s visible, a good match, and trustworthy (based on its reviews.)

If that service is your service — easy to find, clearly differentiated, with a good reputation — great! You probably just landed a new client.

But if your business misses the mark online — if it’s not easy to find in search, not clearly differentiated from competitors, or its reviews are thin — *poof* — clients are gone with one click.

That’s the striking reality of the local online marketplace.

Without good visibility and reviews, you may never have an opportunity to start a conversation with a prospective client, even if they are a good match.

Your business should be getting a continuous stream of qualified inquiries from Google, Yelp, Bing, and Facebook.

To make sure that happens, three things need attention:

  1. Missing, inconsistent, or incomplete listings. Without optimized listings, your business will not rank well.
  2. “Social proof” —  recent, positive reviews that signal a good client experience.
  3. Site problems: thin content, slowness, and missing local-market optimizations.


To do well in local search, these problems must get fixedThe last thing you want is to block the connection between your business and the surrounding community.

But here’s the good news: There is no shortage of ideal clients that are aligned with your business’s strengths. You simply need to attract and engage them. Once you know how local search really works, your business can enjoy free traffic for years to come.

Our service provides the solution. It’s affordable, field-tested, and it works.

  1. First, we fix your business listings and your underlying business information. Search engines (and clients) expect complete, consistent listings and citations to make the best connection to your company. Result: more visibility and well-aligned clients.
  2. Then, we provide specific website optimizations and guidance to build website authority. Result: higher overall search rankings, more social media engagement
  3. Finally, we provide methods to help you acquire reviews — the highly influential “social proof”. Result: higher conversions and greater client confidence.

An optimized website, complete business listings, and reviews work together to create a strong online presence that pulls in clients year after year.

Entrenched, larger competitors cannot buy their way into the organic local results on Google, Yelp, or Facebook. Nor can they manipulate reviews to any meaningful extent. That’s where your business can shine.

You may be wondering about all the online strategies out there. Which are most important for a local service business like yours? Where should you start?

Here are the three things every service business must do to succeed in local search:

  1. Local search optimization (our core service). It’s so important. Every local business needs it. Bad listings and inconsistent underlying data kill search engine visibility.
  2. Acquire good reviews. A powerful and free conversion tool.
  3. A fast, mobile-friendly website that converts visitors into clients. We don’t build websites, do we do offer concise guidance on how to turn your site into a conversion machine.

If you join our program, and follow our advice, your business will attract and engage more clients during the first critical minutes of decision-making.

No other local marketing strategy provides better long-term advantage and value. And unlike advertising which disappears the day you stop paying for it, our organic methods stabilize your listings so that they “stick” in the long run.

We help connect your business to clients at the exact time they want service, in the way they prefer.

Before spending another dollar on ads or mysterious “SEO” efforts, I invite you invest in a marketing strategy that builds a lasting foundation under your business, and will reward you for years to come.


Yes, I Want to Attract More Clients in the Most Cost-Effective Way.

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